Age Management Programs

Important Updates to the Age Management Care Model

We appreciate your ongoing trust in Live Young Medical. 

We are excited to share some important updates to our Age Management care model with 
Dr. Sweeney. These enhancements have been carefully designed to provide a more structured, proactive, and comprehensive approach to your long-term health and wellness.

What’s Changing?

We are transitioning from a per-visit fee structure to a simplified annual fee model to ensure a consistent, streamlined, and proactive approach to your care.

 This updated model allows us to focus even more on preventative strategies, metabolic health, and hormone optimization through the DESSERT Framework—a structured, evidence-based approach to Age Management.

Restoring hormones and using bioidentical hormones to return patients to optimal physiological levels is one of the most useful tools to slow age-related change.

Dr. Sweeney has developed wellness programs that focus on attaining and maintaining optimal physical and mental function through disease prevention and bioidentical hormone rebalancing for multiple hormone systems. Programs incorporate diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements as well as address unhealthy sleep patterns and stress levels. Pairing these fundamentals with normalized, youthful hormone levels is crucial in achieving optimal health and longevity. And you will feel and function better.

An individualized approach ensures your program works for you.

Contact Us to Find Out More

Hormonal Health Essential for Optimal Health at Every Age

The levels of our hormones start to change in midlife; our physical and mental function decline and ageing are accelerated because hormones are essential for a normal cellular function for all organ systems. Most hormone levels drop estrogen, progesterone, testosterone (for men and women), DHEA, melatonin, growth hormone, and possibly thyroid. Others such as insulin and cortisol may rise. These changes in hormone production influence not only our energy and vigour but the body’s ability to repair and regulate itself. The signs and symptoms of impaired hormone levels include:

  • Weight gain, especially abdominal fat
  • Loss of muscle and bone mass
  • A compromised immune system- recurrent colds, flu and other infections and slow recovery
  • Foggy thinking, memory and cognitive decline
  • Depression, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and stressed
  • Insulin resistance, increased blood glucose and blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol and other metabolic parameters
  • Low sex drive and reduced sexual function
  • Fatigue and sleep disruption, lower mental and physical energy
  • Wrinkled, thinning and sagging skin, age spots and keratosis
  • Bladder dysfunction and genital atrophy

Restoring hormones and using bioidentical hormones to return to optimal physiological levels is one of the most useful tools to slow age-related change and benefits people as they age in three main areas: symptom relief, improved well-being and quality of life (restorative sleep, improved energy or libido), and as a tool in disease prevention (heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis).

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Experienced Care, Individualized Approach, Satisfied Patients.

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