Lose chin fat the natural way.
People rate fullness under their chin, or double chin, to be almost as bothersome as wrinkles:
- 67% are bothered by fullness compared with 69% by eye or forehead wrinkles.
- Both men and women can be equally troubled as their neck fullness makes them feel they look older and more substantial than they are.
In this age of selfies and looking down on reflective screens, a double chin can be hard to ignore and frustrating. Fat in the upper neck is often resistant to weight loss. And as in other areas of the body, spot reduction with exercise doesn’t help. Factors that can contribute to a double chin are genetics, weight changes and ageing. Until BELKYRA™ there have been few viable options. BELKYRA™ was approved in Canada in 2015 for the treatment of submental fullness- also known as the double chin, under chin fullness or upper neck fat. BELKYRA™ is FDA approved in the USA and marketed under the name KYBELLA™.
See this Belkyra™ before and after case study below.

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What Is A BELKYRA™ Treatment?
- BELKYRA™ treatment involves using small needles to inject deoxycholic acid into the fat deposit. This is a natural substance in bile that our bodies usually produce for digestion and absorption of fat.
- BELKYRA™ breaks down fat cells in the area injected in the same way it breaks down the fat in food.
- Once destroyed the fat cells do not regrow.
- Typically 30 minutes are booked for treatment which involves assessing and mapping the area. The injection time is quick. It may cause stinging, itching and redness at the time.
- The dose and number of treatments are individualized. Depending on the size of the fullness 2-4 treatments are usually needed and are spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
- Following treatment patients may have inflammation with swelling, redness, nodules, itching and numbness lasting typically 2- 4 weeks following the injection. Most rate these effects as mild.
- Results typically take 4-6 weeks to evolve fully.
Here’s another example of a happy patient
Since I was born I have had a malformed jaw line. I had a fat deposit on my left side that I couldn’t stand. I have two tendons on the right and only one on the left and I would tell myself; well everyone has a good side and a bad side.
When I was 19 I decided to book a consultation with a very prominent doctor that specialized in malformation reconstructive surgery. I went to Vancouver to speak with him and was that it would require liposuction and a facelift. He felt that I was too young for this type of surgery and to wait until I was older. Feeling pretty dejected, I dropped the idea for a few years.
Then I read about Belkyra™, with its non-invasive treatment and minimal recovery time (each set of injections was easier, and I recovered faster). This was the treatment I had been waiting for as my before and after photos show show.
Since the treatment, I have recievd so many complements from people about my looks. But by far the best part is how good I’m feeling. I have a long neck, a pointy chin and a great jaw line on both sides. I’ve lost weight because I feel great and I am so happy with the face that is looking back at me for the first time in my life.
Call for your FREE Consultation Today
“Treatment with BELKYRA™ was a yes”!“For years I have been cultivating my beard to cover up my double chin. Pilates and weight loss have not worked even though I did lose weight. The procedure caused some swelling but nothing that two days of holiday beard couldn’t cover up.” Jamie Poll, Hair Stylist and Live Young patient. Sidney, B.C. |
Who Can Benefit From BELKYRA™?
A double chin can detract from an attractive and otherwise balanced face. Injection with BELKYRA™ is an effective alternative to liposuction and surgery for upper neck fullness. It is the only Health Canada approved injection treatment for moderate to severe submental fullness. While BELKYRA™ injection is minimally invasive, it is a medical procedure requiring experienced hands and incorrect placement may risk injury to nerve and other essential neck structures.
In Canadian and American clinical studies, 28%, 43% and 55% of BELKYRA™-treated patients had at least a 1-grade improvement after 2, 3 and four treatments, respectively. What this means is an improvement from moderate to mild fullness or from severe to moderate. 16% of patients had a gain of 2 or more grades.
Study patients reported a positive emotional impact of neck fat reduction with BELKYRA™- they felt:
Happier and younger
Less bothered, self-conscious, or embarrassed
Less overweight.
Treatment is recommended for men and woman aged 18-65. It should be avoided if you are or are considering becoming pregnant or are breastfeeding. Certain medications and medical conditions could make treatment ill-advised as well as prior surgery or liposuction in the neck area.
BELKYRA™ Available At Live Young Medical
We are excited to be adding BELKYRA™ treatment. It is a natural fit with our existing practice. Dr. Sweeney has been performing similar injectable body fat contouring treatments for other areas of the body with Lipodissolve or Mesotherapy for over ten years.
BELKYRA™-is also a good Live Young match because of the reduction of chin fat compliments other neck improvements such as skin tightening, treatment of dynamic lines and neck bands with Botox Cosmetic(R) and jaw and chin contouring with dermal fillers.
It is Important to book a consultation with Dr. Sweeney to assess your personal medical history, to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for BELKYRA™ and to assess your individualized dose and treatment plan.
Book Your Belkyra Consultation Today
What Are People Saying about Belkyra?
BELKYRA™ and KYBELLA™ have received a lot of media attention. KYBELLA™ was awarded Allure magazine’s Best of Beauty in 2015 as the best new beauty innovation. They have received favourable coverage in Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, People, The Today Show, The New York Times, CTV, and The Province.
“Cosmetic medicine has given the world Botox for wrinkles on the upper face and fillers for the lower face. But the chin and jawline have largely been neglected — mostly because of a lack of viable treatment — even though surveys indicate people are as concerned about the chin and jaw area as they are about wrinkles and crow’s feet”
Belkyra Before/After Gallery